- Austria - Admonter Holzindustrie AG | www.admonter.at
- Austria - Österreichische Parkettindustrie | www.parkett.co.at/parkett
- Austria - Parador Parkettwerke GmbH | www.parador.at
- Austria - Scheucher Holzindustrie GmbH | www.scheucherparkett.at
- Austria - Tilo GmbH | www.tilo.com
- Austria - Weitzer Parkett Vertriebs GmbH | www.weitzer-parkett.com
- Belgium - HABO NV | www.holzbois.be
- Belgium - Unilin | www.quick-step.com
- Croatia - Bjelin d.o.o. | www.bjelin.com
- Croatia - Drvoproizvod d.d. | www.drvoproizvod.hr
- Croatia - Pan Parket d.o.o. | www.pan-parket.hr
- Croatia - PPS-GALEKOVIĆ | ww.pps-galekovic.hr
- Croatia - Spačva d.d. | www.spacva.hr
- Czech Republic - Morava Wood Products | www.moravawood.eu
- Denmark - Junckers Industrier A/S | www.junckers.com
- Estonia - Technomar & Adrem Ltd | www.estaparket.eu
- Finland - Timberwise Oy | www.timberwise.fi
- France - Berrywood SAS | www.berryalloc.com
- France - Chène de l'Est | www.chenedelest.com
- France - Deschaumes | www.deschaumes.com
- France - Panaget | www.panaget.com
- France - FNB | www.fnbois.com
- Germany - Bembé Parkett GmbH & Co. KG | www.bembe.de
- Germany - Hain Natur-Böden Gmbh | www.hain.de
- Germany - Hamberger Flooring GmbH & Co.KG | www.haro.de
- Germany - Jakob Schmid Söhne GmbH & Co. KG. | www.jaso.de
- Germany - LPM GmbH | www.lpm-parkett.de
- Germany - MeisterWerke Schulte GmbH | www.meisterwerke.com
- Germany - Osmo Holz und Color GmbH | www.osmo.com
- Germany - Parkett-Herter | www.parkett-herter.de
- Germany - PlyQuet GmbH - TEKA parquet | www.plyquet.de
- Germany - ter Hürne GmbH & Co. KG | www.terhuerne.de
- Germany - Verband der deutschen Parkettindustrie e.V. | www.parkett.de
- Hungary - BEFAG Parkett Kft. | www.befagparquet.com
- Hungary - Egererdö zrt. - Mátra Parkett | www.matraparkett.hu
- Hungary - Graboplast Ltd. | www.graboplast.hu
- Italy - Ciambella Legnami Srl | www.listonegiant.it
- Italy - Federlegno-Arredo/Edilegno/Gruppo Pavimenti di Legno | www.federlegno.it
- Italy - Margaritelli SpA | www.listonegiordano.it
- Italy - Anbo Stile srl | www.stile.com
- Lithuania - Frevini UAB | www.frevinistudio.com
- Poland - Baltic Wood SA | www.balticwood.pl
- Poland - Barlinek S.A. | www.barlinek.com.pl
- Poland - Holzexport Sp. zo.o. | www.holzexport.pl
- Poland - Jawor-Parkiet | www.jawor-parkiet.pl
- Portugal - Castrowoodfloors | www.castrwoodfloors.pt
- Spain - Asociacion Nacional de Fabricantes de Parquet | www.feim.org
- Spain - Intasa | www.intasa.es
- Spain - Kider Wood Floor | www.kiderwoodfloor.com
- Spain - Mariano Hervás S.A. | www.mhparquets.com
- Spain - Muebles y maderas de Nueva Linea SL | www.surcoparquet.com
- Sweden - Kährs Holding AB | www.kahrs.com
- Sweden - Tarkett SAS | www.tarkett-floors.com
- Sweden - Trä- och Möbelindustriförbundet (TMF) | www.tmf.se
- Sweden - Välinge Innovation Sweden AB | www.valinge.se
- Switzerland - Bauwerk Group Schweiz AG | www.bauwerk-parkett.com
- Switzerland - ISP | www.parkett-verband.ch
- The Netherlands - FB Houtdistributeur BV | www.fbhout.com
- The Netherlands - Parket Alliance |
- Turkey - Dendro Parke San. A.S. | www.dendro.com.tr
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There are two main types of real wood flooring: multilayer and solid wood floorings. These differ from each other through their constructi...
Parquet flooring is highly popular nowadays and has much demand in the market because of its unique appearance and its durability. But ...
The environmental benefits of choosing real wood are indisputable. 1. Far less energy is consumed in timber production, processing and...
Are you trying to decide which type of floor covering to use for your kids rooms? If so, it’s likely that you’re being overwhelmed with a...
There are many reasons to choose parquet: 1. Natural Parquet is a natural product, made from wood, man's only naturally renewab...